Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are operating in a complex landscape. The focus is growing more and more into impact creation and contributing to solving the grand challenges, namely Third Mission. To achieve that, leaders and managers need to make stronger efforts to translate their intentions into actions while adopting a multi-stakeholder approach that considers the needs and wants of all actors involved.
The Entreprise Value Map is a visual tool developed and used in business to effectively analyse value creation of and for different stakeholder groups. It is a holistic frame that accounts for the many ways stakeholders can create value by linking inputs and efforts to outcomes and value.
The DICE Value Maps provide a framework to identify the drivers and values of educators and course directors in HEIs to be used for designing digital community engagement courses and the accelerator. By introducing the value-centred approach, the Value Maps will influence management culture and problem-solving practices in HEIs.
The DiCE Value Maps have two dimensions. Each value map includes values, drivers, and resources consisting of references, tools, methodologies and cases:
- The Value Map for Student learning deals with students’ learning priorities and their educational needs. We have identified 18 drivers which are categorized under the following 5 values:
- 21st century skills
- Life competence
- Social impact
- Experiential learning
- Green skills
- The Value Map for Social Impact focuses on specific activities to improve community engagement and analyses the concrete benefits of getting involved in digital community engagement. For this value map, we have identified 15 drivers which are categorized under the following 5 values:
- Education & Lifelong Learning
- Entrepreneurship & Job creation
- Civil Engagement
- Community Resilience
- Sustainability
Check out our value maps for more details: https://valuemaps.diceaccelerator.eu